Fields marked with * are mandatory
Note: All information provided will be treated confidentially
Harassment or AbuseDopingCompetition ManipulationOther
Name* Date and time of completing form* Address* Mobile number* Email*
If you are the victim, please fill out 'name' in this section, then skip to question 5 Name Address Mobile number Email address Age
Did you witness the incident?*
Were you informed by a third party?* If yes, please provide their details: Name Address Mobile number Email address
If you spoke to the alleged victim what did they say?* (Do not interview them but do record what they said) What action did you take?* Who was notified?* - Where there is risk of immediate harm the police should be informed Details of any other persons who were told of the incident, or witnessed the incident...* Any other information?
Do not investigate or carry out any further action unless there is an immediate risk of harm to a person.
Do not discuss with anybody who does not need to know about this allegation.
This document needs to be completed accurately with the information you know.
I confirm that the statement above is true