It was a case of 99 colourful balloons creating chaos on Saturday at Yat Sen School Hall in Suva as the BWF Shuttle Time program was delivered to 99 in-service Primary Teachers undertaking their degree program through Fiji National University.
Badminton Oceania Development Manager Nadia Bleaken had assisted Fiji Badminton Association with Shuttle Time implementation during the week, training 6 Tutors to deliver to teachers – this goal in mind helped us thoroughly plan and prepare for the Saturday Teacher training workshop as we needed to be very organised with such a large group in attendance.
During the week we also delivered the Shuttle Time program to 7 Sports Science students at Fiji National University, these students also qualified as teachers and undertook their assessment by assisting in the delivery to 13 service students at International School – these senoir school students will be given the BWF Youth Leadership Award and deliver their Duke of Edinburgh service to Suva Special School every week – giving more students the opportunity to play badminton through the BWF Shuttle Time Program.
For more information on the BWF Shuttle Time School Badminton Program see